This device is introduced endoscopically into the stomach, subsequently filled with saline solution and a blue stain (methylene blue), thus occupying the gastric cavity in a partial manner, thereby causing an increase in the feeling of satiety. As a consequence, there will be a decrease in food intake with subsequent weight loss.
At the same time, the patients will follow up and be advised by our staff, which will help change their eating habits, which in the long run, will change their style and quality of life. Both placement and removal of the intragastric balloon are performed on an outpatient basis, so that the patient is incorporated into their daily lives almost immediately.
In case the intragastric balloon suffers some damage, the patient may notice it, since the methylene blue with which it was filled will be eliminated in the urine. In this case, the person must schedule a reassessment consultation with their doctor, with the peace of mind that this event does not imply a medical emergency and is not life-threatening.
The ORBERA™ gastric balloon is an FDA approved non-surgical solution for patients who have tried diet and exercise or pharmaceutical interventions without significant or lasting success, or who have decided not to undergo surgical weight loss procedures.
Weight loss in U.S. clinical trials with ORBERA™ have shown 3.1 times better results than diet and exercise alone within six months. It’s a safe, effective weight loss solution, and more than 220,000 have been placed worldwide and the results evaluated in over 230 published papers.
If you are 25-100 pounds overweight, you might qualify for ORBERA™ balloon implantation. The revolutionary new ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon is now available at Obesity Good Bye Recently and is approved by the FDA. This soft but durable silicone balloon is designed to help patients with obesity to lose weight and keep it off.
Indications of Intragastric Balloon:
- Patients with overweight or a BMI greater than 25
- Patients with morbid obesity that do not wish to undergo any surgical procedure.
- Patients with morbid obesity in whom surgery is contraindicated due to high risk.
- As an initial weight reduction prior to any surgery.
Advantages of the Intragastric Balloon:
- Non-surgical, ambulatory procedure.
- Allows immediate incorporation to everyday activities.
- Very low risk of complication.
Frequently asked questions about Intragastric Balloon:
What is the Intragastric Balloon?
The Intragastric Balloon is a prosthesis that is placed inside the stomach for the medical treatment of Overweight and Obesity. Said prosthesis is filled with 0.9% physiological solution (approximately 500-600 ml of solution)
How does the Intragastric Balloon work?
Its function is to occupy a space within the stomach, reducing the capacity of that organ to receive food. It is a temporary method because it must be removed within six months of its placement. This placement causes weight loss and control of diseases associated with obesity in a significant percentage of patients.
Who are candidates for Intragastric Balloon placement?
Patients who are candidates for this procedure are overweight or obese patients with or without associated diseases.
Can I do all kinds of activities with the Intragastric Balloon?
Yes, you can do all kinds of activities, including extreme sports such as diving or parachuting, although it is not recommended. Contact sports are not recommended.
Can I have a normal diet with the Intragastric Balloon?
You have to take a balanced diet to achieve the desired weight loss. Drinking enough water during the day is important, as well as avoid all solid foods and follow the instructions of our bariatric surgeon.
How much weight will I lose with the Intragastric Balloon?
You can have a considerable loss of weight, with an average of between 10 to 25 kilos; however, your results will depend on how well you follow the program and the adjustment you make in your eating habits.
Can I leave the Intragastric Balloon for longer than stipulated?
It is not advisable to leave the balloon for longer, as it may lose its shape and migrate to the intestine and cause a severe case of intestinal occlusion. In case you require more time to achieve your goal in weight reduction, this case should be assessed in an extraordinary way.
How long should the Intragastric balloon be used?
The maximum period of placement of the Gastric Balloon is 6 months and must be withdrawn once this period has ended.
How is the Intragastric Balloon placed?
The procedure is ambulatory and is done under sedation, through a endoscopy, where the intragastric balloon is inserted into the stomach. Later the patient is released to his home.
What is the follow-up after the placement of the Intragastric Balloon?
Checks are made by all the specialists on a regular basis, with monitoring of weight loss and with the medication of vitamin supplements. The follow-up is carried out during the six months of balloon indication.
Simultaneously adjustments are made in the eating habits so that there is no weight gain after the withdrawal.
What are the advantages of Intragastric Balloon?
It is a temporary procedure that does not require hospitalization for placement. It is a method that is not surgical, which does not involve cutting the stomach or the small intestine. It is associated with weight loss and disease control in a significant percentage of patients, although it is lower than bypass, sleeve or gastric banding.
Costs and types of payments?
You can pay with cash, checks (under the name of “Unidad Médica del Norte”), credit and debit cards (Visa and Mastercard only).
You can choose if you operate at our Obesity Good Bye clinic or at INT Hospital, a larger hospital where we also perform surgeries, in fact the only difference is the place of the surgery, everything else is the same, and these are the costs if the surgery is performed in OBG or in the INT Hospital.
Prices | Obesity Goodbye | INT |
Intragastric Balloon | $3,000 | $3,200.00 |