Bariatric Surgical Operations
Types of Bariatric Surgery Programs
Bariatric surgical operations involve gastrointestinal procedures, which are done by stapling shut the stomach, to achieve significant reduction in a person’s food intake. Bariatric surgery also integrates rearranging your small intestine to reduce the chances of your body absorbing all the calories and fats from the food you consume. It is broadly acknowledged as a suitable method to reduce weight and prevent further health risk since excess body fat is associated with the development of hypertension, diabetes, and even hyperlipidemia.
If you are obese and your last resort is to undergo a bariatric surgery program, you should educate yourself about the various steps entailed in this medical procedure. You should understand though, that the weight reduction surgeries are not an immediate solution and are only suggested if you are experiencing severe obesity, which cannot be remedied by regular weigh loss programs like healthy diet and a daily exercise routine.
Three Types
Fundamentally, there are three types of bariatric surgery programs: restrictive, malabsorptive, and a combination of both.
Restrictive Surgery – The consumption of food is controlled by altering the size of your stomach with the help of an elastic band. By reducing the size of your stomach, you will start to feel full and satisfied with small intakes of food. False hunger signs are eliminated also. The process of restrictive bariatric surgery also involves other operations such as adjustable gastric banding, vertical-banded gastroplasty, and proximal gastric bypass.
Malabsorptive Procedure – This method aims to decrease the ability of the intestine to absorb calories and fats from food, which ultimately helps in weight reduction. In this surgery, the lower and upper part of the small intestine are connected to permit food to bypass the middle intestine section, therefore huge amounts of food is not absorbed. However, many experts do not recommend this option because the likelihood of dehydration and diarrhea is higher.
Combined Restrictive and Malabsorptive Weight Loss Program – This weight reduction procedure brings about the advantages of the restrictive and malabsorptive weight loss methods, so you can opt for a more efficient form of surgery.
Pointers to Remember
Whenever you decide to undergo a bariatric surgery program, make certain that you first consult a skilled, qualified, and experienced surgeon, who can recommend the most suitable medical treatment for you and perform the surgery safely and effectively. These procedures can be very expensive and may come with a few after effects, so it’s very important that you only resort to these options if you have already tried natural weight loss programs and failed.